Simple Theora Encoder

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Installation and Use:

  1. Download Disk Image here.
  2. Open the Disk Image by double-clicking on the .dmg file you have downloaded in the Finder window:

  3. Drag and drop the Simple Theora Encoder application into your Applications folder:

  4. Navigate to your Applications folder and double-click on SimpleTheoraEncoder to open the application.

  5. Add your video files by clicking Add:

  6. Navigate to the video files you wish to encode, select them and click OK. You can add as many files as you wish to encode all at once:

  7. Click encode:

  8. Wait for all your files to be encoded:

  9. Open your videos in VLC to play them and check they are OK. (Note if you do not have VLC you can download it here)

    Let your friends know they should download VLC to watch your videos. VLC can play just about any kind of video, it is free of cost, and free software so it's a great application for anyone who watches video on their computer to have. It is cross-platform so it works on Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems.